Forest Enterprise (FE) has awarded Beacon Forestry a three year contract to operate electronic auctions for almost one million m3 of timber.
The contract will cover a minimum of 900,000m3 of standing and roadside timber from FE forests in England, Scotland and Wales.
Beacon Forestry has pioneered the development and operation of internet timber marketing in the UK since 1995 with monthly tender and auction sales. To date it has marketed 850,000m3 of softwoods and hardwoods worth more than £14m for the state and private forestry sectors.
Beacon Forestry partner Guy Watt said the award of the contract confirms its status in the provision of real-time on-line auctions and is a significant endorsement of the system.
He believes the private sector’s use of electronic sales will continue to grow and added: “With trading conditions as they are there has perhaps never been a greater need for timber buyers and sellers throughout the UK to have access to low-cost and regular timber sales.”