The announcement of the Olympic Delivery Authority‘s (ODA’s) search for a Timber Supply Panel is a “major achievement for the Wood for Gold campaign”, said chairman Craig White.

The campaign’s close engagement with the ODA was evident in the announcement, said Mr White, including its proclamation that those wishing to be entered on the panel will need to comply with certification schemes approved by the Central Point of Expertise on Timber (CPET).

“We are particularly pleased that David Higgins [ODA chief executive] has recommended the 2012 Olympics to sustainable construction through the pre-qualification questionnaire’s emphasis on using the CPET certification schemes as the benchmark for and guarantee of sustainable timber,” said Mr White.

“This represents a major achievement for the Wood for Gold campaign, which secured the original commitment from the ODA early in 2007.”

Timber companies have until April 7 to submit their forms in order to be considered for the Timber Supply Panel, with the announcement of the 20 chosen firms due in July.

The pre-qualification questionnaire for the Timber Supply Panel can be accessed at and registering with the London 2012 eTendering service.