Certification of Egger-managed forests will be to the UK Woodland Assurance Standard (UKWAS), which is recognised by both the Forest Stewardship Council and the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification schemes.
Business development and compliance manager Simon Hart, who is managing Egger’s scheme, said being able to offer clients the certification, including third-party auditing against a recognised standard, would help landowners achieve the highest price for their timber.
Egger Forest Management’s first load of certified timber recently left the Winnows Hill woodland near Consett, County Durham.
“Most timber markets are demanding at least an element of certified timber, meaning there is always the highest demand for certified material,” said forest manager Dave Robson. “The timber moves from the site quickly and our client benefits.”
He added that the landowner soon recouped the cost of meeting the certification standard through the market premium certified material attracted.