Its ranking of building material price growth year-on year to October 2021 puts imported sawn or planed wood at the number one position with a 74% price rise, followed by fabricated structural steel with a 73% growth.

Ranked third is particleboard with 65% growth, followed by concrete reinforcing bars (+62%); imported plywood (+56%). Lowest in its top 10 ranking is flexible pipes and fittings at 8%.

Its research – which draws on its internal sales data, ONS statistics and industry sources – also charts the growth in the price of various kinds of building work during the period.

It ranks repair and maintenance work at number one with a 25.9% year-on-year increase, with new housing ranked in fourth with a 22.4% price growth.

The research also cites a global shortage of concrete, causing a 30% drop in the production of concrete roof tiles in Britain in Q3, 2021 when compared to Q3 2020, and an even greater drop of 40% when compared to 2019.

“As an online building supplies merchant, we’re all too aware of the effects these crises are having across the industry,” said Gian-Carlo Grossi, managing director of Roofing Megastore.

“For such a core sector of the economy, there needs to be significant co-operation between the government and businesses within construction supply chains to resolve these issues as quickly as possible.”

More details on the research can be found at: RESEARCH