Scottish sawmills want to see a mothballed harbour in Dumfries and Galloway reopened so they can reduce road haulage of logs.

Two large sawmill businesses are said to be interested in a plan to reopen Kirkmabreck Quarry Quay, which is owned by Tarmac but hasn’t been used for 10 years.

“The report on the technical survey was completed and the findings are now being considered,” Dumfries and Galloway Council spokesperson Susan Neal told TTJ.

“Matters to be considered include technical feasibility, any works that would be required, and potential operators.”

The council’s Stewarty Area Committee will debate the details.

South-west Scotland forest industries have held discussions with Tarmac and both are keen to see the quay up and running again for timber transport by ship both in and out of the region.

The five-acre site is located next to the A75 close to large areas of commercial forestry and is capable of taking large 1,500-2,000 tonne vessels.

A four-year contract has been drawn up between John Scott Transport and Tarmac to share access to the site.

The sawmilling interests want to transport saw logs by boat from Argyll to their businesses in Dumfries and Galloway. Other potential interests are for export of Scottish pulpwood to Scandinavia and round timber to North Wales.

Initial operation would see about 6-12 boats using the facility annually – equivalent to 9,000-18,000 tonnes of timber, including 6,000-12,000 tonnes of logs.