The latest technical developments in pallet manufacture will be shared at the 57th congress of the European Federation of Wooden Pallet and Packaging Manufacturers (FEFPEB) in Edinburgh.

The event, hosted by the Timber Packaging and Pallet Confederation (TIMCON) on September 10-12, will feature technical site visits at drinks producer Allied Distillers Ltd, which extensively uses wood packaging, and James Jones and Sons Ltd’s Lockerbie sawmill which manufactures pallets.

  Speakers during the final day’s conference session at Edinburgh International Conference Centre include TIMCON president Gil Covey, FEFPEB president Didier Moncel and deputy minister for environment and rural development Allan Wilson.

The Forestry Commission‘s head of plant health Roddie Burgess will review the phytosanitary standard, while the UK forestry and sawmilling sector will be highlighted.

Other topics include development of the European Pallet Association‘s open loop pallet system, insurance and hygiene advantages of wood in the food industry.